
very married.

5:08:00 PM

Awhile back I wrote a blog post about how lovely I think it is that when you get married it becomes who you are. I'm a woman, I'm a student, I'll be a mother someday, and I'm married. Being married defines me just as much as anything else. And I think that's really great.

The other day on Facebook I saw that somebody was mildly offended that in the Forbes list of Most Powerful Women, there was a notation made in each woman's biography about whether she was single or married and how many (if any) children she had. This friend was saying something about the sexism in putting this information in the women's biographies because I suppose it is irrelevant to their achievements. I later discovered that the information is also included in the men's biographies, too (as I think it should be). I understood the concern and it was all really trivial but I just sat there thinking "wouldn't you want that to be a part of your biography?" My status as a wife - as somebody who belongs eternally to somebody else - is one of the first things I think of when asked to share something about myself. And someday, when we have children, they'll become a part of how I define myself, too. I guess, for me, no achievement, degree, award or recognition should ever over-shadow the things that we hold close, the things that collectively form "us." I'm an English major, I'm a girl, I'm a sister, I'm a daughter, I'm a dancer, but I'm a wife before any of that. And I would like to think that I'd hold that role of wife and someday-mother above any other achievement.

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  1. Beautifully written Miss Mallory!!!!! And......I concur totally!!!!

  2. Also a daughter in law. One I adore and love. Xoxo

  3. AMEN. very married is what i'll be someday. can't wait!

