just in case you see this...

7:25:00 PM

To my darling husband,

Sweetheart... Tonight, or tomorrow, or the next day, when you check my blog and are totally prepared to tell me to update it, you'll find this instead. Kory you are the most amazing man I could ever ask for. Every night when you come home, completely worn out, I know you're not dying to hear about the tickets I bought to go to the Opera, or the trip I'm planning for us, or the shoes that I'm upset haven't come in the mail, or the paper that took me five million hours to write, but you still listen. You listen to every word. You're the most darling, most handsome, most kind, most loving husband in the world.  I'm so lucky to have a husband that will run to the store at 11 o clock to buy me cranberry juice and ice cream. So lucky to have a husband that writes me love letters. So lucky to have a husband that will watch Prison Break with me :) So lucky to have a husband that wants to ask for a calling at church. So lucky to have a husband that will go with me to the Opera. You're the greatest man in the world. And that makes me the luckiest girl there is. I can't wait for you to get home tonight baby. Every day with you is somehow better than the last. I love you Kor.

Today and Forever,

Mallory Paige

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  1. I love you Malli girl. Thanks for your nice words. Marriage is great. Today and forever sweet thing.

  2. Hi, thank you for following me and I just think you and your husband are adorable. Don't lose that love! :) :) :)

